Service guidelines
1 – First ISBN Request at the National ISBN Agency – AN-ISBN
If you have never requested an ISBN before, you must register in the system, for the first use, to obtain ISBN numbers for your publications. A new publisher must request a publisher prefix.

Each prefix can have five, four, or three digits, allowing for the future assignment of 10, 100, or 1,000 ISBN numbers, respectively. There is also the "Self-Publishing" option, which allows registration in the system and the assignment of just one ISBN (see point 5).

The publisher prefix uniquely identifies the publisher or imprint and is placed immediately after the numerical sequence "978-972" or "978-989" – respectively, the book product code (978) and the country code for Portugal (972 and 989).

Thus, depending on the intended prefix, a specific quantity of ISBN numbers is guaranteed (example table):

Self-Published 1 978-989-20- n/a
5 digits 10 978-989-XXXXX 0 to 9
4 digits 100 978-989-XXXX 00 to 99
3 digits 1.000 978-989-XXX 000 to 999

A prefix has no expiration date; a new one is only required when the ISBN number series associated with it is exhausted.

The publisher may request the prefix of their choice; however, its assignment requires validation by the National ISBN Agency (AN-ISBN), particularly its suitability in accordance with the applicant's profile.
2 – Initial Registration in the ISBN System
The steps to request a publisher's first prefix are as follows:

a) Registration via online form online. The publisher must complete and submit the form with the requested information. For legal entities, the Permanent Certificate Code, Declaration of Business Start-Up, or an equivalent document must be provided (public entities, associations, recreational groups, or IPSS must submit their statutes; PALOP and Timor-Leste entities should contact the AN-ISBN via the email

b) Selection of the desired prefix. Choose from the options listed in the table above.

c) Make the payment. If applicable, pay the amount indicated at the end of the form, which will also be sent to the email provided during registration.
3 – Prefix Exhaustion: Request for a New Prefix
When a prefix is exhausted, the publisher may request a new one using the online form. In this case, select the option "Existing User – YES" and fill in all required fields. In the "Publisher Prefix" field, indicate the last prefix that was assigned to you.

A publisher affiliated with APEL can request any desired prefix; however, its assignment requires validation by the AN-ISBN, particularly to ensure its suitability for the applicant's profile. Non-APEL member publishers must pay the fee associated with their request.
4 – Regular ISBN Requests
If the applicant is already registered in the system and only wishes to request an ISBN, they must select the following options: in the "Existing User" field – "YES", in the "Request Type" field – "NEW ISBN". Next, complete all required fields correctly to ensure the unequivocal identification of both the publishing entity and the publication. Each ISBN request requires the proper completion of an individual form, available exclusively online on the AG-ISBN website.
On the submission confirmation screen, there is an option to make a "New Request." Simply click the corresponding button, and the User Data fields will automatically be populated with the information provided in the last request.

Requests made in any other manner are not accepted, except for in-person assistance (see point 11).
5 – Self-Publishing
Individuals or organizations wishing to publish a book independently - on a very occasional or rare basis, without the collaboration or intermediation of a professional publisher - can request registration and one ISBN number (self-published edition). This category (associated with the prefixes 989-20 and 989-33) is limited to a maximum of three numbers per entity, regardless of the dates on which they were requested. Once this limit is reached, a publisher prefix with the capacity to number 10 or 100 publications must be purchased.
6 – Imprint or Publishing Brand
According to the guidelines of the International ISBN Agency, each imprint or publishing brand must have its own publisher prefix, even if it belongs to a company or publishing group already registered in the ISBN system and sharing the same Tax Identification Number (NIF). Ownership must be proven by sending the respective "Trademark Registration" document from the INPI (Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property) to the email
7 – Form: How to Fill Out the Fields
(*) Mandatory fields


Existing User* ➜ Select "No" if the requesting entity (publisher or imprint) has never had a publisher prefix. If the entity already has a publisher prefix, it is registered in the system, and you must select "Yes."

Type* ➜ Choose the legal status of the applicant and their membership status in APEL: Legal Entity (APEL Member) | Legal Entity (Non-APEL Member) | Individual

Country* ➜ Portugal | Angola | Cape Verde | Guinea-Bissau | Mozambique | São Tomé and Príncipe | Timor-Leste

Publisher* ➜ This field appears when "Legal Entity" is selected. Enter the name of the publisher or imprint requesting the prefix and/or ISBN.

Imprint ➜ Imprints must have their own publisher prefix. Select this option if the requesting publisher is an imprint or publishing brand, even if it belongs to a company or publishing group already registered in the system and sharing the same Corporate Taxpayer Identification Number (NIPC). Proof of ownership must be provided by sending the "Trademark Registration" from the INPI to the email

First and Last Name* ➜ These two fields appear when "Individual" is selected. Enter the first and last name of the applicant.

Membership Number* ➜ This field appears when "Legal Entity (APEL Member)" is selected. Enter your membership number. If you do not have it, you can obtain it from the APEL Member Support Office through the following contacts: phone: +351 218 435 187 or email

CAE* ➜ This field appears when "Legal Entity (Non-APEL Member)" is selected. Enter your main Economic Activity Code (CAE) according to the latest revision – rev.3. Supporting documentation may be required (see point 9).

Corporate Taxpayer Identification Number (NIPC) or Taxpayer Number (NIF)* ➜ Mandatory when "Legal Entity (Non-APEL Member)" or "Individual" is selected, for the purpose of clear identification and potential billing. For entities from PALOP countries and Timor-Leste experiencing difficulties completing this field, contact AN-ISBN via

Email* ➜ Provide the email address through which the entire process will be managed. All communications from AN-ISBN will be sent to this address. The email must belong to the requesting publisher, not a third party, or the request may not be processed. Confirmation of the email provided is mandatory in the following field.

Phone Contact | Address | City | Postal Code | Website ➜ These fields are visible and mandatory only when "Non-Existing User" + "Legal Entity (Non-APEL Member)" or "Individual" is selected.

Publisher Prefix* ➜ This field appears when "Yes" is selected for "Existing User." Enter the current publisher prefix you are using. If you are a self-publisher (see point 5), your prefix will necessarily begin with "978-989-20" or "978-989-33," followed by the remaining digits assigned to you.

Request Type*New ISBN: When the applicant already has a publisher prefix. New Prefix + ISBN: When the applicant is making their first request to AN-ISBN or has exhausted the old prefix and is simultaneously requesting the first ISBN number for their new prefix. New Prefix: When the applicant only wishes to obtain a new prefix, AN-ISBN may request justification for this type of request.


Desired Prefix* ➜ Field where the applicant specifies the type of prefix they want for 10, 100, or 1,000 ISBN numbers. The assignment of a single ISBN is reserved exclusively for self-publishing editions (Publisher Prefix 20 – see point 5.


Title* ➜ Title of the book.

Author* ➜ Name of the author of the work. If the work has multiple authors, they can be listed in one of the "Other Contributor" fields, including their names and selecting the appropriate option from the list. If the work has no associated author, enter "No author.".

Other Contributor ➜ Three fields are available to indicate other contributors to the work. Their names must be entered, and the appropriate role selected from the list. If you wish to indicate multiple authors, select the "Other" option and type "Various authors" in the text field.

Type of Medium* ➜ Select the medium in which the work will be published. If the work is published in both print and digital formats, two distinct ISBNs must be requested by completing two separate forms.

Medium Details ➜ Important for differentiating two seemingly identical requests (e.g., an electronic book in different formats: PDF and EPUB) or for providing additional information about the work.

Edition ➜ For a new edition, where content has been modified, a new ISBN must be requested. Specify the edition number in this field.

If it is a reprint, meaning the work's content has not been altered in any way, no new ISBN is required, and the existing ISBN associated with the title should remain in use.

Classification – Level 1 e Level 2 ➜ These fields allow the publisher to classify the work for better identification and reference by bookstores and libraries.

Legal Deposit No. ➜ If the work already has a legal deposit number, it should be indicated here.

Barcode ➜ The AN-ISBN can provide a barcode corresponding to the requested ISBN. This service costs €10 plus VAT at the legal rate in effect, applicable to both members and non-members. The barcode is supplied in PDF and TIFF formats. Upon request, it can also be sent in EPS (vector) format.

Urgent ➜ The applicant can request priority processing, ensuring a response on the same day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays), provided the form contains no errors or critical omissions and the corresponding fee has been paid.

Price ➜ Field displaying the cost of the submitted request, automatically calculated, including VAT at the legal rate in effect.
8 – Deadlines
Unless extraordinary circumstances arise, such as an abnormal influx of requests or disruptions in the system’s operation - of which APEL will inform the applicant upon receipt of the request, the assignment of a publisher prefix and/or ISBN is guaranteed by the end of the next business day after the form’s submission. This is contingent on requests being complete, conforming to the parameters defined by AN-ISBN, and, for non-member applicants, having the applicable fee paid.
9 – Fees and Professional CAE
Service Professional Publisher Non-Professional Publisher
Individual ISBN (self-published works) - €15
5-digit prefix (for 10 ISBNs) €100 €150
4-digit prefix (for 100 ISBNs) €500 €750
3-digit prefix (for 1,000 ISBNs) €3.000 €4.500
Prices exclude VAT.

Additional Fees
Initial registration in the system (non-members) €25
Urgent processing – Publisher prefix or ISBN on the same day (members and non-members) €50
Barcode supply in PDF format (members and non-members) €10
Prices exclude VAT.

Professional Publisher ➜ This category includes entities with CAE code (rev.3) 58110 (Book Publishing). Applicants must provide the Permanent Certificate (or the respective access code for consultation) if they have never submitted it or wish to update their status with AN-ISBN.

Non-Professional Publisher ➜ Entities whose primary CAE code (rev.3) CAE code (rev.3) is not 58110 (Book Publishing).

APEL Member ➜ An additional 10% is applied to the annual membership fee, granting access to the ISBN service, excluding supplementary services such as barcode supply and urgent processing fees.
For prefixes assigned after 01/01/2015 or for the issuance of a new prefix, the annual membership fee must be up to date, as well as any outstanding debts resulting from the acquisition of APEL services or associated membership.

If APEL membership ceases and ISBN numbers remain available within the associated prefix, continued use of these numbers requires payment proportional to the remaining available numbering.
10 – Payment
The indicated amount at the end of the form can be paid using the following methods:
  • Via ATM reference: Automatically generated and sent to the email provided in the form;

  • Bank transfer: Using the IBAN PT50 0035 0082 00005294430 35 (APEL).
11 – Operating Hours, Contacts, and In-Person Assistance
The Portuguese ISBN Agency operates at the following hours:
Monday to Friday, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM.

Telephone assistance: +351 218 435 189 (weekdays, between 2:00 PM and 5:30 PM).

Email for inquiries or suggestions:

Mailing address and in-person assistance location:
Av. dos Estados Unidos da América, 97, 6.º Esq.
1700-167 Lisbon – PORTUGAL

In-person assistance ➜ AN-ISBN has designated Wednesdays as the day to assist publishers unable to apply for ISBN system access or request ISBN numbers online. This service is exclusively available on Wednesdays, during regular operating hours at the above address. To minimize waiting times, prior scheduling is recommended.
12 – Data Changes or Business Termination
Any changes to the information provided by the registered entity, such as contact details or its official designation, must be communicated to AN-ISBN via email

Similarly, the termination of the entity’s operations must also be reported to AN-ISBN.
13 – Requests to Modify Assigned ISBNs:
Any request to change bibliographic data associated with an assigned ISBN must be submitted in writing via email to The modification will be processed, and proof of the update will be sent within a maximum of 3 business days.

If the change involves the author field, this requires verification through the work's registration in the Legal Deposit system, which can be accessed via this link to National Library of Portugal. In such cases, the modification will be processed, and proof sent within 10 business days.
14 – PALOP and Timor-Leste
AN-ISBN continues to provide ISBN services to publishers from the PALOP countries (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe) and Timor-Leste, without any associated costs for assigning publisher prefixes or ISBN numbers.
15 – Supplementary Services
  • Urgency Service – custo de €50 + VAT. Priority is given to this request, which will be addressed the same day if received by 5:00 PM, or the following morning if submitted after 5:00 PM (excluding weekends and holidays). This service requires the form to be free of critical errors or omissions and payment to be completed.

  • Barcode Service – custo de €10 + VAT. A barcode can be created for the provided ISBN or any previously assigned ISBN.